09 May 2011

The Music of my Heart. . .

So many musical things have happened recently!
First, we had our formal concert. Girls wear prom dresses and guys dress up fancily. It is probably my favorite concert of the year for chorus!
We sang:
Omnia Sol by Z. Randall Stroope
Lamentations of Jeramiah by Z. Randall Stroope

Girls and guys chorus also performed seperatly.
(Z. Randall Stroope is my new favorite composer!)

There are recordings here.

Here is me and one of my friends, Meghan. I let her borrow my prom dress and I "borrowed" my prom dress from my cousin, Kristen. You see, my awesome cousin Jackie sent us a ton of awesome clothes, and two prom dresses were in that mix. We divvied up the clothes with the mutual agreement that we could trade/borrow each other's stash if we wanted. Technically, that applied most to the prom dresses, because both of the belong to both of us.
(This was taken on the stage with weird lighting)
Here is me and another of my good friends, Steph.

(She's wearing heels. Usually she's not that much taller than me!)

On Thursday, I went to Pella, Iowa to help the 8th and 9th grade bands who marched in one of the parades. Another sophomore came and as it ended up, we carried the banner in front of the band. (They played together.) Kelli went last year when she was in 7th grade, and held the banner. I was in the band last year. This year we got to go together again! We had a blast! He had some cheeseburger chowder from a place called Smokey Row. It is such a fun place! It has a second story you can go up to to eat, so we did.

Kelli also used the excess of tulips (there are over 200,000!!) to take pictures.
Here are a few. . .

We had a blast!

Aaaaaand. . .
Yesterday was my recital! I was really excited for it! I practiced long and hard. Here is a video:

((There is supposed to be a video here. We are experiencing technical difficulties and will return to regularly scheduled programming shortly. Thank you for your patience.))

There was also a band concert and band and chorus contest recently. Band and large group chorus got 1 ratings, and men's and women's chorus each got 2 ratings.

1 comment:

  1. Jazzed for the video of the recital.
    Having access to all of your chorus recordings is really sweet... I'm re-enjoying "Jeremiah" as we, um, type.
    Great post.. the tulip photos are impressive.
    Hey, I have some constructive criticism. The new font they give for your lovely new blog theme is a tad hard to read. Comments aren't that hard, but the bulk of your posts... it's just a little tricky to read. Thought you'd like ta know :) See you tonight!!
